Buon lunedì, prodi seguaci!🌈

Fa un caldo porco e ho le mani piene di punture di zanzare (ebbene sì, alle zanzare piacciono molto le mie mani, qualcunə ha una spiegazione scientifica per questo? Grazie), ma prosegue il mio tentativo di rimettermi in pari con la 2019 RHC *cough, cough* anche se ho iniziato un altro libro random…😜

Cooooomunque, ecco qua una citazione da Queer: A Graphic History di Meg-John Barker, con le illustrazioni di Julia Scheele, un libro che mi sta piacendo molto.

The homophile movement opened up the possibility of rights for LG(BT) people, and perhaps it fought for these rights in a way which was the least threatening to mainstream society – meaning that these arguments could be heard.

However, there are many problems with the kinds of assimilationist strategies it employed:

• They retain the status quo rather than pointing out the flaws in how mainstream society views sexuality, gender, etc.
• They perpetuate an essentialist model of sexuality: that it’s a fixed aspect of identity.
• The “it’s not our fault” idea easily slips into portraying homosexuality as inferior.
• By focusing on the acceptable face of white, middle-class, educated gay and lesbian people, they often maintain the oppression of those who do not fit that (the queerer umbrella).

Some authors have suggested that the homophile movement actually showed a “respectable” face, but pursued more radical agendas out of the public gaze. Maybe the assimilationist/revolutionary split is another oversimplifying binary.

Activist-academic Meg-John Barker and cartoonist Julia Scheele illuminate the histories of queer thought and LGBTQ+ action in this groundbreaking non-fiction graphic novel.
From identity politics and gender roles to privilege and exclusion, Queer explores how we came to view sex, gender and sexuality in the ways that we do; how these ideas get tangled up with our culture and our understanding of biology, psychology and sexology; and how these views have been disputed and challenged.
Along the way we look at key landmarks which shift our perspective of what’s ‘normal’ – Alfred Kinsey’s view of sexuality as a spectrum, Judith Butler’s view of gendered behaviour as a performance, the play Wicked, or moments in Casino Royale when we’re invited to view James Bond with the kind of desiring gaze usually directed at female bodies in mainstream media.
Presented in a brilliantly engaging and witty style, this is a unique portrait of the universe of queer thinking.

2 risposte a “Citazione della settimana – “Queer: A Graphic History” di Meg-John Barker e Julia Scheele”

  1. Avatar skoliosessualità

    Nessuna spiegazione scientifica, ma dalla mia personale esperienza posso dirti che, da quando sono diventato vegan una quindicina d’anni fa, hanno smesso di ronzarmi intorno. Al massimo posso registrare tre o quattro punture all’anno, cosa di poco conto.
    Per quanto riguarda la lettura sto continuando con i grandi classici inglesi e francesi.

    Piace a 1 persona

    1. Ma guarda, nemmeno a me pungono poi così tanto e le punture non mi danno poi tanto fastidio: ma non capisco perché sempre le mani🤷‍

      Piace a 1 persona

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